A person in a wheelchair with their feet on the ground

Handling Harassment, Personal Injury, & Workers’ Compensation Cases

Workers` compensation provides medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs to employees who are injured or become ill " in the course and scope" of their job. It also pays death benefits to families who lost their loved ones due to work related accidents.

Si usted, se lesiona en el trabajo, su empleador tiene la responsabilidad de pagar beneficios de compensacion al trabajador.

A green and red pattern with six dots.

Sexual Harassment/ Acoso Sexual

Unwelcome advances or conduct of a sexual nature unreasonably interferes with a person's job performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment can range from persistent offensive sexual jokes to inappropriate touching to posting abusive material on a bulletin board. Sexual harassment at work is a severe problem and can happen to both men and women.

Acoso sexual es contra la ley. Usted tiene derechos. La ley proteja cada persona. Hable hoy mismo.

A person with their hands wrapped in bandages.


Common personal injury claims include road traffic accidents, work accidents, slip and fall, assault and battery claims.

Lesiones personales incluye accidentes en el automovil, callidas, asaltos y mordidas de perro.